Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Think. Read. Write. Dream. Writing Challenge

There is a shadow that follows me around.
Another side of me that is rarely found.
It is the deeper side,
the truer side of myself.
It hides behind the person that is 
to everyone else.
Everyone has their secret shadow.
The one they never show,
 hidden behind a fake smile,
 trying to make
 their shadow go.
But shadows can not disappear, 
they can never go that far.
They stay with you,
you will be who you really are.

Be Prepared to Laugh Uncontrollably

So I was on Pinterest yesterday and found some stuff that was soooo funny! I thought I would share it with you!

Sorry if the picture below is really tiny to read.
After seeing this I burst out laughing! I could barely breathe. ;)
I was laughing soooo hard!!!
^I laughed waaayyy too hard at this!^

^I don't know why but I found this funny. :D^

Hahahahaha !
^Haha, so true!^


28. Hedgehog Cake | 31 Horrendous Pinterest Fail Monstrosities
^Haha! The smile!^

Funny Pictures Of The Day – 65 Pics

This is way funnier than it should be
^Every time I hear someone say, "Let's put some shrimp on the barbie!" I think of this...;)^



Check out this funny meme!  Click on the picture to see hundreds more!
^For some reason her random smile made me laugh so hard!^

Well, I hope this funny post made you laugh at least once or even made you smile. :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Bear Wedding | New Buttons

Hello! My little sister had a birthday recently! She had a bear wedding! How adorable is that. :) Her bear, and my youngest sister's bear got "married" on her birthday. So her party was decorated like a wedding. They even had a little bear ceremony. <3
 She had so much fun! The two pictures below are of the cakes in progress...

Here's the finished product! We made the cakes look like bear heads that matched the real (yet not so real) bears. 
There she is blowing out her candles!
 The beary lovely couple! ;)
 Wedding snacks.
Gummy bears,
and little white (but there actually pink) chocolates.
 Opening presents.
 Bubbles for everyone!

New Buttons
I also made some new buttons! I've had my old ones for sooo long, and I needed to update them. What do you think?

Eve of Womanhood

Eve of Womanhood

Eve of Womanhood

Eve of Womahood

Eve of Womanhood

Oh and I know I said I was gonna make chapter 6 of my short novel but I need a bit more time. I have a dreadful cold, and I don't have any writing inspiration. I apologize for the long wait. :)

By the way, how do you like my new blog design? :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Small Life Update

So, I've been pretty busy lately. 
 I haven't told you what has been happening in my life and thought I would do a little life update post.

My mom took some pictures of me with an old book I bought. I really enjoyed having my picture taken. Normally I'm always on the other side of the camera so it's nice to have some pictures of myself once and a while.

I got grand champion on my Hand in Hand blog poster. It's also going to the state fair. Yay!

Everything is in bloom this season!

We went to a candy factory, and they had like a giant tube thing that had chocolate falling down in it. It was like in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. ;)

Oh goodness! There were so many jellybeans! What's your favorite flavor?

We also stopped by a lake one summer evening. The sun was slowly setting making everything gleam with its light.
Well that's pretty much it for now! I will be posting Chapter 6 for the writing challenge soon. I also have written several poems that I will be sharing with you. :)
Thanks for reading!