Friday, August 18, 2017

Tread Lightly

tread lightly
near buds that have only begun to bloom
tread lightly
in the silent hours of the broken moon
tread lightly
on fragile hearts that hold little trust inside
tread lightly
on the secrets that people try to hide
tread lightly
in the shadows that grow too comfortable in their shade
tread lightly
where hope foils in the bleeding sun as it fades
tread lightly
in broken places where history still lies thick 
tread lightly
near untamed fire that could never find a wick
tread lightly
near bruised feelings that are carried deep within
tread lightly
on the scars that could never seem to mend
tread lightly
on the fragile things that must be handled with care
tread lightly
near the people who have little hope to share


  1. Wow.
    This was unbelievable.
    I mean.......gosh WOW. You have such gift, Eve!!

    Amelia xxx

    1. Thank you, Amelia! Your words mean the world to me. <3

  2. Oh my goodness. Those words hit the mark. xx

  3. Somehow I can really just connect with your writing. I love how you can always connect with your audience.

    p.s. I've started a new blog and I'm not sure if you have checked it out, but I would be honored if you would! I used to blog over at Victory.
