Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Autumn Bucket List

Guess what today is? The first day of October! To me, October is the official month for the autumn season. There are a lot of things I want to do this fall. So I decided to make an autumn bucket list. When winter comes along I'll tell you the things I did on the list. So here we go!
1. Drink some apple cider.
2. Pick a pumpkin from a pumpkin patch.
3. Go on a hayride.
4. Make a Jack-o'-Lantern.
5. Jump into a pile of leaves.
6. Go in a corn maze.
7. Wear sweaters and other fall attire.
8. Take a nature walk.
9. Pick apples.
10. Celebrate my birthday.
11. Paint a pumpkin.
12. Have one of those caramel apple suckers.
13. Eat lots of pumpkin pie.
14. Press pretty colored leaves.
15. Bake cookies.
16. Watch a Halloween movie.
17. Sip hot chocolate with cinnamon on top.
18. Smell an apple cinnamon candle.
19. Walk in the crunchy leaves.
20. Eat a caramel apple.


  1. Awesome idea, Eve!
    Is it Autumn-y where you live already?
    Here in Cali we're having a heat wave, and a drought; my mom says it's so bad that everyone here might have to stop watering their lawns.

    1. Thanks! It has been pretty cool here yet some days are sweltering hot. Wow, that sounds awful! I hope the temperature will be a bit more reasonable where you live after a while. :)

  2. That's so cool!! I wish it was autumn again, it's such a hot summer here..

    1. Thank you! I love autumn, and I wish it was always that kind of weather. :)

    2. :) So do I, although Winter is my fav season!

  3. Aww you bucket list is amazing!:)
    I miss autumn now... here in australia, it's spring!
    Great post Eve<3<3
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. Thank you June! Spring's an awesome season too. :) It's like fall but greener. ;)

  4. Great idea Eve! I love autumn...
    Blog on // June

  5. I love this post!! Especially all of the eating of autumn-y things. ;-)

  6. Oh gee, those things shouldn't take too long! ;) What do you mean, "sip" hot chocolate?! Don't you mean, "gulp?!?!" ;) Well, you can walk in crunchy leaves at the same time as jumping in a pile! ;) Shhh... winter isn't coming! ;)

    1. Yeah, I've done most of them already! Winter seems to always sneak up on me. I wish autumn lasted longer. :)

  7. This is such a good idea! :) I love how there are so many positive things about fall, even though it is getting closer to winter!
    What's your favorite Halloween movie? (If you have one!)
    -Lauren <3

    1. Thanks! I like some of the Disney ones (because it reminds me of when I was little). Also I used to love a Halloween movie that Mary Kate and Ashley were in. I don't know why I liked it but it might be nice to see again. :)

  8. Mmm...baking cookies is a great thing to do in the fall! Promise you'll share the recipe and maybe write a post or two about it ;)

    1. Yummy cookies! I have a major sweet tooth! Looks like i have some new post ideas!!! Oh and by the way I recommended someone who wanted a design to your design shop. :)

  9. Oh gracious caramel apples <3<3 I'm in Singapore so no such thing as autumn over here! I did experience once when I went over to the States, and that was so amazing. I haven't forgotten it yet ;) Enjoy your autumn, hope you have a lovely one!

    1. Yum!! How cool! I've never left the States, but I would love to see more of this world. I bet that was amazing to see! Thank you Elizabeth!
